The Genesis Podcast
Stories from Missional Communities around the Episcopal Church
24 episodes
Encouraging Innovation - A Panel Conversation at West Central Abbey
Katy Shedlock and Jonathan Myers, founders of West Central Abbey in Spokane, WA, join Bishop Gretchen Rehberg and Katie Nakamura Rengers for a conversation about nurturing innovation, church planting and the blessings of "scrappy church." ...

A conversation about core teams
We talk a lot about core teams - but how do you REALLY go from no one... to team? Mike Michie, founder of St. Andrew's, McKinney, Joseph Kovitch, redeveloper of St. Matthews, Columbus and Katie Nakamura Rengers, founder of The Abbey, Birm...

Are our best days ahead of us?
Our Presiding Bishop’s Church Planting and Redevelopment team gathered in Atlanta last week to set goals, plan 2023 events, and muse upon the current (and future) state of the Episcopal Church.

Traveler's Altar
Rosie Veal Eby is the founder of Traveler's Altar, a faith community and chaplaincy with people experiencing homelessness in Huntsville, Alabama. We talk about moving from check-writing to developing real and mutual relationships with nei...

A Re-peopling of the Episcopal Church
It's obvious that the Episcopal Church is in numerical decline, and some estimates are that there could be no one in worship by 2050. Fred Vergara, Missioner for Asiamerica Ministries, thinks differently. He envisions a "re-peopling...

Discerning Missional Leadership
Some of us have a stereotype of the kind of person who makes a good church planter. So you might be surprised to hear what Ann Steigerwald, our consultant for missional leadership discernment, has to say about the characteristics she's ob...
Season 3
Episode 1

The Way Station
The Way Station in Iowa offers a "third space" cafe, chapel, art room, and love and welcome to all their neighbors. https://www.facebook.com/thewaystationspencerhttps://thewaystationspencer.com/

Halau Wa'a
How does God move through small, gathered communities - and what does "church without walls" really mean? In this episode, we visit Jill and Mark Haworth in the Diocese of Hawaii. Learn more about Halau Wa'a on their website:htt...

Abundant Life Ministries
How are we in Christian Community called to care for one another? And what happens when care gets in the way of, oh, those infamous goals and benchmarks we set? (or vice versa?). In this episode, we're talking with The Rev. Audra Ab...

The Benedictine Way
"Saint Benedict said, that the people we are supposed to be paying the most attention to, and the people we are supposed to be caring for most deeply, are the poor and the pilgrim." Brother James Dowd talks about Benedictine Spirituality ...

Todos Santos, Montgomery
"You can really tell, I think, when the Gospel has penetrated into someone's heart, because they look at people differently." Katie and the Rev. Pam Long reflect on Pentecost Sunday at Todos Santos in Montgomery - a Latino congregation th...

Faith Christian Church of India
What can we learn about the value of diversity from an Indian American, inter-denominational church plant? A LOT! In this episode, we talk with The Rev. Sujanna Raj, The Rev. Clive Samson and Sherine Paul about Faith Christian Churc...
Season 2

A Conversion Story
"There comes a watershed moment, when you leave your traditional mindset behind." In this episode, Katie interviews David Perkins, a veteran church planter and one of our New Episcopal Community coaches. He talks about a variety of ...
Season 2

UP Wild Church
"We aren't afraid to talk about us as people making changes in our life, and what that might look like." This Spring, we're talking to a New Episcopal Community that meets outdoors - in all seasons! The UP Wild Church community gath...
Season 2

All Souls, Central Florida
"We got our worst year out of the way first!" The Rev. Matt Ainsley and Jonathan McClintock tell us what it was like to launch a new Anglo Catholic Episcopal community - just four months before the start of the pandemic.

Creche, Boston
Creche is a New Episcopal Community that nurtures mixed-income, inter-generational co-housing in the Boston area. Katie talks with founder Isaac Everett, and resident and board member Rebecca Rodriguez about the awkwardness, spirituality,...
Season 2

Saint James and the Beloved Community
Saint James in Pittsburgh was a church created during the era of white flight in Pittsburgh... now it's been restarted as a multi-cultural parish. We talk with Eric McIntosh, pastor of St. James and Canon for Beloved Community in th...

Learning to LOVE evangelism!
What would be possible if... we Episcopalians learned to love sharing our faith with others? If we could both respect the dignity and difference of others AND generously share stories of how we see God acting in our lives and in the world...
Season 2
Episode 5

Grassroots Church Planting
"Churches that plant churches grow." The Rev. Todd Thomas, Missioner for Revitalization and Young Adults in the Diocese of Washington, talks about the differences between New Episcopal Communities and the non-denomination and evangelical ...
Season 2
Episode 6

Sending and Being Sent
A conversation with Bishop Gretchen Rehberg of Spokane about what it feels like to send ministry developers out into the mission field. This episode is part of our Virtual Genesis Gathering, and will be followed by a conversation with Bis...
Season 2
Episode 7

Stepping Stones
"I would say look at your ministry, and if you don't have some part of your ministry that might break your heart, you need to push a little further." In this episode, The Rev. Peggy Bryan and her ministry partner, Jackie Fanning, talk abo...
Season 2
Episode 3